< What I Learned Teaching Sunday School: Review of All Saints - The Surprising True Story

Monday, October 09, 2017

Review of All Saints - The Surprising True Story

I just finished reading the book 'All Saints - The Surprising True Story of How Refugees from Burma Brought Life to a Dying Church'

What an inspiring story! Newly out of seminary, Michael Spurlock was asked to take his first assignment with a small church in Smyrna, Tennessee which had dropped down to only about 25 members. Each Sunday he knew could be his last because they couldn't afford the mortgage. Until one Sunday when 3 refugees arrived asking if they could join the church - along with about 70 of their family and friends.

As the story unfolds you see God's hand in it over and over. I loved where Michael told someone that God is still speaking to His people, but Michael finally started listening. He was also asked how he knew it was God telling him to do something at one point and he replied, "Because I know my voice and it wasn't something I would have said"!

The story reminds me a little bit about going from the Old Testament to the New when you get the "ah ha" moments. "Oh, THAT'S why that happened then - so THIS could happen now!"

Remarkable story!

I was given this book by Bethany House for my honest review.

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