< What I Learned Teaching Sunday School: Review of Russia Rising: Tracking the Bear in Bible Prophecy

Friday, September 29, 2017

Review of Russia Rising: Tracking the Bear in Bible Prophecy

My husband and I were in Russia this summer and between that, all the news about Russia and our elections and receiving this book from Tyndale to give my honest review - I feel like someone is trying to tell me something!

I've always been interested in prophecy. Especially end time prophecy. And the author, Mark Hitchcock, was very thorough in covering Ezekiel 38 and 39 which talks about the countries that will attack Israel in the future. Most of what he writes about could be lifted from today's newspapers. It is extremely current.

This is a good read for any Bible student and I appreciate how we are reminded that we study prophecy to show us that time is short and we need to share the Gospel and live like Jesus IS coming back soon. "Russia Rising: Tracking the Bear in Bible Prophesy" by Mark Hitchcock.

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