< What I Learned Teaching Sunday School: Becoming a Worship Catalyst

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Becoming a Worship Catalyst

Pastor Kurt Gebhards at Harvest Bible Chapel, Hickory, challenged us last week to be worship catalysts. A catalyst is a substance that causes or accelerates change or activity. And he said that if we are born again we are meant to be a catalyst: a person whose talk, enthusiasm or energy causes others to be more enthusiastic, energetic or friendly. And we should be helping others praise God.

To do this we should be praising God ourselves continuously. Bless, praise, boast, magnify and exalt God are words mentioned over and over again in the Bible.  He is glorious and we as His children need to do something about this! Worship Him for who He is and what He’s done for us!

Isaiah 43:7 says He created us to glorify Him. People should be able to recognize Him in us, so we must live our lives in a way that puts Him on display. If we aren’t doing this we aren’t doing what we were created to do!

We should also be doing this corporately. Romans 15:5 says, “O magnify the Lord with me” and “let us exalt His name together.” Our worship is designed to stimulate each other.

Also when we go to church we should be prepared. Arrive early with a heart that is prepared for worship. Prepare yourself for impact with God! Pray for the service. Greet people. Ready yourself for a meeting with the King of Kings!

We aren’t at the service for ourselves, but for God and others. So be a spiritual catalyst in someone’s life so they can be drawn closer to Christ. Because Christ’s glory hangs in the balance. He doesn’t deserve lukewarm worship. We want other people to glorify and honor Him!

How much glory and praise is God deriving from your life?

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