< What I Learned Teaching Sunday School: Pray more than once

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Pray more than once

In Paul’s New Testament letters he often asked people to pray for him. If Paul, as great as he was, felt the need to ask others to pray for him, we can certainly do the same. Sometimes prayer is all we can do. And we need to be doing it; for ourselves, for each other, for our church, for the nation, for the world.

Jesus said we are to love other people. Praying for them is a great way to demonstrate that love!

When we pray for the people on our Sunday School class’s or worship service’s prayer list, let’s not make it a one time prayer, said in a group on a Sunday morning. Write them down and pray daily for each one until you see an answer. I think that’s where the power lies and what God is trying to get us to do. And I think the discipline and the focus on God is a great thing for us too.

I read a commentary, written in the 1950’s, which said, “We live in a world where there are more nervous breakdowns than any time in history.” That was over 50 years ago and life hasn’t slowed down or become easier! I think that since than more and more people have the feeling that they cannot cope with life. While we may think we can’t possibly take on someone else’s burdens on top of our own; praying for them gives us strength to face our lives at the same time! There is power in prayer.

So, let’s end with one.

Heavenly Father, help us turn to You first in everything. Not only for ourselves, but also for our family, our friends, other believers and non-believers. There are so many situations that make us just want to throw up our hands. We need Your strength and to feel Your love. Continue to speak to us and guide us. In Christ’s name. Amen.

You are never so high as when you are on your knees.

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