Sanctification and Justification
7 years of Bible Study Fellowship gave me a pretty good handle on Sanctification and Justification. Something that trips a lot of Christians up. But it’s still not easy to explain simply! Pastor Kurt Gebhards did an excellent job last week.
He started by making it clear that Christ alone is our righteousness. The only reason God accepts any man is because of Christ’s work. Our standing is unconditionally secure because of Jesus.
But! Our advancement is because of what we do.
As Christians, our obedience gladdens Him and our disobedience saddens Him.
Justification is the act of Salvation. God declares us righteous because of Christ. It’s a one time act and complete right away. It is entirely God’s work.
Sanctification is the believer becoming holy. A work in progress that won’t be complete until he or she gets to heaven. This is our growth toward becoming like Christ. We work at it by cooperating with God.
Colossians 3:12 – 25 says we have been chosen by God, Holy and beloved. This is our standing in Christ. Then it goes on to list 34 commandments of what we should do because of this! This is a wonderful passage to read daily!
Pastor Kurt said there are 6 ways to apply this:
1. Understand that your choices honor God or grieve Him.
2. Ask yourself if you truly want to honor Him.
3. Ensure proper motivation, which is grace.
4. Exert yourself.
5. Labor and love.
6. Sacrifice.
Labels: Justification, Sanctification
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