< What I Learned Teaching Sunday School: What I Learned Teaching Sunday School

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What I Learned Teaching Sunday School

My whole world changed when I began teaching Sunday School. Not just because I learned so much in my preparations, but I was always listening for more things to share: reading things with an idea of what I could pass on to others.

It also sets me up to be vulnerable. You can’t teach about God, Jesus or the Bible without sharing something of yourself. Every time you do you put yourself out there. You risk embarrassment and maybe even ridicule. You also risk the attacks from Satan for any kind of spiritual high.

But, it’s something I have to do. I could no more not share all I’m learning then I could stop breathing. So this blog is going to be about things I learned teaching Sunday school. It will have my thoughts from lessons and also special verses, sayings and quotes I want to share and excerpts from other things I read.

I hope you enjoy sharing my journey.

“Your message burns my heart and bones and I cannot keep silent.” - Jeremiah 20:9
There are people to be loved, a message to be shared!

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At 2:55 PM, Blogger Aunt Angie said...

Nancy---this is what it's all about! '“Your message burns my heart and bones and I cannot keep silent.” - Jeremiah 20:9
There are people to be loved, a message to be shared!" Your words are right on target!

I looked and read and was fed! I will be glad to add you to my blogroll! Thank you for visiting me :)


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