< What I Learned Teaching Sunday School: October 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What does God want Christians to be doing?

While waiting for Heaven we are called to pursue Holy lives. God has also commissioned each of us to witness for Him.

Words, deeds and attitudes that reflect God's character reveal Him to a watching world. Confession of faith in Jesus Christ carries weight only when accompanied by the proof of a changed life.

A set-apart Holy life attracts those being drawn to the Savior while convicting those who reject Him.

God's plan to establish His eternal dwelling place fuels our desire to bless our community today.

Jesus Himself gave us a list in the scriptures:

In Matthew 6 He told us to: give to the needy, pray, forgive others, fast, don't make money your god, don't worry, but seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first.

From Matthew 28:19-20 He told us to make disciples and teach them to obey all God has commanded.

And from Acts 20:24 we are told to testify to the Gospel of God's Grace.

It's pretty clear!

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sweet Children's Book

I wrote a little book for my grand-daughter on her first birthday and was so pleased with it!!
You can click on the link below and read it. It's short! :)

The Day You Were Born

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Tuesday, October 04, 2016

A Review of a most Unsettling Book

I just finished reading Dr. Timothy Dailey's book 'Apocalypse Rising'.

After finishing a year of Bible study on the book of Revelation I was looking forward to reading this book. But I didn't enjoy it at all. And I guess really we weren't meant to. It's a very serious and gloomy topic.

In his history sections, talking about the various wars and invasions, it was incredibly gory. Added to that was his section on EMP and how all of America could easily and speedily be destroyed and I had trouble sleeping at night! 

Because I had accepted a copy of this book from Chosen with the promise I would give it a fair and honest review though, I felt like I must finish reading it. And I did. His section on the current refuges in Europe was interesting and I believe on target. But at least the book of Revelation left me with hope and the feeling that God is in complete control.

I didn't get the feeling from this book.

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